Christian Counseling for Infidelity and Affairs

Infidelity is without question the most devastating blow to a marriage that can be dealt. It can and frequently does end life as a person knows it. It fills the present with pain and makes the future look bleak. In the aftermath of adultery, it can seem as if recovery is not possible. At Simi Valley Christian Counseling, we recognize that with genuine repentance and grace-driven forgiveness accompanied by hard work and commitment, a marriage can be saved. Christian counseling for infidelity and affairs offers hope for your marriage as you rebuild it on the foundation of the Lord Jesus Christ – the only sure foundation.

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Please contact our reception team at
(949) 386-7182

Infidelity is one of the worst forms of betrayal of trust since it is a violation of a covenant made between God and two people. It is a sin that is not merely sexual in nature but strikes at the trust, integrity, and openness which lie at the heart of the marriage relationship. The road to recovery from this kind of betrayal will be long and hard, requiring the most serious commitment on the part of both spouses, despite feelings of helplessness and hopelessness that will come. If your marriage has been damaged by adultery, the Christian counselors at Simi Valley Christian Counseling can help.

The injured spouse will have to decide whether or not to try to save the marriage. Healing the breach after adultery is not for everyone and not every marriage will be able to recover after such a serious blow. However, whether the marriage is preserved or not, both spouses should seek healing through the grace of God.

If your marriage has been struck by adultery, counseling for infidelity and affairs at Simi Valley Christian Counseling can help. To learn more or schedule an initial risk-free session, contact us by phone or visit our online counselor’s directory.

Get connected with a Christian Counselor
Please contact our reception team at
(949) 386-7182